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Nova caine




What made you interested in the world of latex?

I have always be drawn to alternative fashion and shiny things. I love the weird and wonderful. Latex kind of fits all the bills.


Any particular interests you like to share?

Art, music, food, video games. Preferably all at the same time.


What was your favourite or funniest memory of shooting with A-D-Atelier?

I would be hard pressed to choose between Bon helping me into my first catsuit, cracking Lily up with my Lois Griffin impression, and introducing the team to Google's flatulent ways.


You are in control of the decks at a party, what is the first band/genre/song that comes on?

Damn. How do you pick just one? I guess, being a party, maybe the Prodigy. You know... Just as a Firestarter.


How has becoming involved with the A-D-Atelier project changed your view on the fetish world?

Working with A-D-Atelier has given me a new level of appreciation for those who wear latex, those who assist in the wearing of latex, and also for myself. I knew that latex was a lot of work and that wearing it(and getting into it in the first place) presented unique obstacles, but I never knew just how many or how intensely fun and liberating(as well as lighthearted and silly) it could be.